It grows, a melon
I have abandoned my veggie beds. The tomato plants, beet greens, cucumbers and melons are now for the deer -- since they've been helping themselves this summer anyway. I've realized that the place where my edibles grow is just too far from the house to be on my mind much. You can't even see it from the deck, and out of sight, out of mind.
Since I couldn't give up on growing food entirely, I put several containers of melons on the deck this summer (along with more potted herbs that have been there since the spring). Here's a look at them, as they advance from blossom to fruit.
These are 'Minnesota Midget' melons, which are reportedly quite good for containers.
I have to admit that I agree with that assessment so far.
This one is going to be interesting to remove:
Wedged solidly, doesn't wiggle at all. D'oh!
I'm also growing another small heirloom melon up here called 'Tigger':
Can't wait to see what these look like when they ripen!
Do you know who loves the deck melons more than I do?
Kumo does. She cries at the kitchen door, begging to be let out there. As soon as we give in, she runs to the advancing melon vines and starts eating the tendrils. She absolutely loves them.
At first I thought she was just chewing on them, but no, she's actually eating them:
(She moves her head too fast for me to get an in-focus shot.)
I'm hoping that the chipmunks -- the only critters that I see on the deck -- won't destroy any of these as they start to mature and ripen.
Maybe Kumo should spend more time out there to help ensure this...

Those melons must taste so sweet and exquisite! And do post a pic of that squished melon once you've harvested it (if you manage to!).
Kumo is gorgeous!
Mark/Gaz: I don't know yet as none have ripened, but I'm eager to find out! 'Tigger' is supposed to have a wonderful fragrance when sliced open -- can't wait!
I'm going to have to cut that squished one to get it out. Wonder if it will ripen correctly?
She's very thankful of your compliment, but would rather have more tendrils please. :)
Our MMM that have ripened are delicious. Our problem us many of the melons are simply too heavy for the vine and have fallen off way too soon. Did you trellis yours!
I thought your melons were amazing (odd thing to type) but Kumo and her tendril eating ways are even more so.
Lisa: some of the MMM are trellised, but most are growing on the deck. Some hanging off the edge of the deck too I suppose.
Loree: it's the strangest thing. How did she ever develop a taste for those? (She was originally a stray)
I wonder if they have some nutrient she needs or if they are just tasty. Have you tried one : )
This is the cat that occasionally licks my computer screen and fabric speaker grills and bites my printer, so "tastiness" is probably not an important factor. :)
What a goofy cat. On the other hand, have you tasted your computer screen lately? You might just be missing out on a taste sensation. Like Mark and Gaz, I'm looking forward to the melon harvest/cutting post!