It's allergy season
>> Tuesday, November 4, 2014 –
Well, it is for me. Pollen counts are not very high at this time of year, so what gives? It turns out that pollen doesn't bother me too much. My nemesis in the allergen community is mold spores. The falling leaves bring beauty, but autumn rains -- as we're getting this morning -- trigger a mold spore outbreak.
Anybody care to take a guess where St. Louis is on this map? Yep, right in the "hotspot" for mold.
Watery eyes, sneezing -- the usual symptoms of hayfever sufferers -- but at a unique time of year.
I've heard that the St. Louis area is a hotbed of sorts for molds (the outdoor types). I can't confirm that, but I know that mold is a bit of a problem all year round. Why are we so lucky?
The St. Louis County website has a great allergen reference, and on the mold page there are a few key points:
- Molds are strong allergens. However, most people are not allergic to molds.
- In many climates, for each pollen grain in the air there are 1000 mold spores.
- Mold exposure increases with cutting the grass, raking dead leaves, or working with hay or mulch piles.
Really, that St. Louis County mold page is quite informative -- give it a look, especially if you're a St. Louis area mold allergy sufferer.
Maybe it really is time to relocate...
The Weather Channel's mold spore map

Mould spores, of course! I haven't thought about it causing hayfever before, as the condition is almost always synonymous with the warmer months rather that the cooler ones. Hopefully your symptoms won't be that bad and cause too much nuisance.
Yikes, I feel for you. I go through the same symptoms in March and April. I suppose moving to Arizona, for example, would alleviate your symptoms :-).
Great information.
I know about grass mold when it rains. I didn't make the connection to mowing and allergy flare ups to mold until reading your post.
I hope you feel better.
Oregon looks to be trouble free. Then again I've heard of a few people here suffering mold allergies indoors. THAT would be a nightmare.
I sympathize, as I sneeze 10 times in a row. (I actually had to stop for a sneeze break this comment.) Mold, dust, pollen, you name it. We keep the Kleenex company in business. Does snow help? Rain?