Deck pots: paying attention
I'm paying more attention to the containers I place on my deck this year. I've also been keeping an eye out for pots that are decent size but won't take up too much real estate -- something that can be tucked against the wall or railing for instance.
I found a few nice ones at Costco recently, and having planted them up a couple of weeks ago they're looking good enough to show you.
I got a pair of these, one of each color...
Notice that they're oval, not round:
(Ignore the plants and focus on the shape of the pot)
My mint pot has been a fixture on the deck for years:
I think I'm going to raise it up a bit this year so it's closer to the level of the new pots, which are taller.
There's one "new" container that I've been wanting to plant up since I saw it early this spring:
It's a toilet tank from a neighbor's renovation! I saw it sitting out for trash pickup and salvaged it -- it's the perfect shape for a deck container! Sure it has too many drainage holes, but I'll fix that with some plastic:
I can poke as many smaller drainage holes as I need into the plastic at any time. Perfect!
There is the handle hole too...
...but that's easily plugged with a small tile and some caulk:
I decided to make this a purple and yellow combo pot...
...and although it won't start looking really good for a week or two...
...I think it will be a nice addition to the deck plantings, don't you?
(It won't always be on the stairs -- I just put it there for photos)

Great space-saving pots! I was a bit dubious about the toilet tank pot having seen too many whole toilets used in gardens but you flushed that away with your stylish tank pot! It's perfect for a deck where you don't want to make space for a big round planter! You're always coming up with great ideas!
Peter: I know what you mean about the toilet planters -- not my thing either. Bathtub I would probably use, toilet, no.
Hey, you could have had this instead!
Seriously, the toilet tank isn't half bad--pretty great if I ever manage to get the "toilet" part out of my head.
The toilet tank looks fun! Not as in your face as the bowl but quirky enough to bring a smile. That'll be a conversation piece with your visitors!
I saw those pots at Costco and was intrigued! Now you've convinced me that I need them. No WAIT! I swore this year - no more POTS! And that's a good looking "pot" too!
Hmmm...well when I go to our local rebuilding store I suppose I'll look at the rows and rows of toilets in a different way now.
I wouldn't have guessed that was a tank will all the plants spilling down the sides. Love these space-saving ideas.
The porcelain tank looks great ("porcelain" sounds much classier than "toilet"), as do all the others--you will have the best looking deck in town this summer.
Thakns everybody! I'm also looking at discard toilets in a different way now (although I won't be using the bowls) I've actually been keeping my eyes open for toilets at the street on trash day, and saw one this weekend -- but the tank was missing. :(