More randomness
After the draining fawn encounter of the last couple of days (which didn't end well I'm sorry to say), I need to do something easy today, so I just walked around with the macro lens.
More random tidbits today then, after an unexpected early morning shower -- they had predicted no rain until tonight. The feverfew is starting to bloom, and the moistening made them even more pretty.
How exactly did the pill bugs know to climb all the way up those stalks?
I've known that cleome and its relatives are often called "spider flower", but this red-whisker clammyweed (Polanisia dodecandra) is more spider-like than any of those I've seen:
I'm glad our spiders don't have big red eyes!
The other day I learned that at least one chipmunk has learned how to defeat the feeder baffle:
I've got a lot of chipmunks this year. I'm hoping the flying predators notice soon.
I love tiny duckweed:
I wonder why the fish in the front water barrel don't eat it? The pond fish devour it so quickly!
Now, how about a few blooms?
Love the burst of color this morning!
Since I ended with purple there, let's see how the volunteer Perilla frutescens is purpling up a couple of the planting beds:
There's a LOT of perilla around my garden, but the dark foliage is such a nice contrast to all of the green I don't pull it out until later.
BTW the bed in that last photo will soon be dominated by the 'Vertigo' purple fountain grass and the dark purple castor bean plants, so purple and green is the theme here!
Other miscellany from my garden, unsupported by photos:
- I felt a tick crawling up my back the other day. Ticks are way creepier than spiders to me. (It was a female lone star tick Amblyomma americanum)
- There are at least two woodchucks in my yard now, stealthily feeding when I'm not looking. It's difficult to find info on the woodchuck resistance of plants. (Rabbits and deer get all the press)
- Deer keep wading into the pond to eat my water lillies. At least they won't be able to take over the pond, right?
- Although I haven't done many projects since that flurry over Memorial Day weekend, that will be changing very soon. Much planned that I haven't mentioned before...
- I did do my regular fawn search this morning... it was difficult.
Enjoy the day!

So sorry to hear that yesterday's fawn encounter didn't end well. I hope your morning walk in the moist garden helped with your healing. Your red-whisker clammyweed does look very spider like - cool.
Beautiful photos
But didn't end well!? You mean how difficult it was helping the fawn get out of the enclosure. If not, then I'm sure I don't want to know.
Didn't realise can be so brazen to wade in the pond to eat water lettuce when it is surrounded by lush foliage already terra firma. I suppose those succulent, watery leaves are probably treats to them. Nice miscellany!