Accidentally color-savy
>> Monday, July 6, 2015 –
I noticed the other day that the side garden -- where the new dry creek bed runs -- is looking quite nice:
More to the point, it's somehow become color coordinated, not a mashup of crazy colors. It's become a gradient of purples and pinks and blues, with some white mixed in there.
I must have done this subconsciously.
From left to right there are my two remaining nibbled-but-surviving Echinacea purpurea, Monarda fistulosa, slender mountain mint Pycnanthemum tenuifolium (behind the trellis), Artemesia 'Powis Castle', a Russian sage, some Verbena bonariensis, the purple foliage of Perilla frutescens, Agastache foeniculum in bloom, then the variegated leaves of Persicaria 'Painters Palette'. At the bottom of the frame is the horde of Echinops ritro or blue globe thistle.
A closer look:
The native Mondarda is taking center stage right now:
At first I thought it would be much too tall for this bed, but now I see that it's absolutely perfect!
The pressure is on me now, as this weedy corner needs a new resident...
...and now I need to make sure it fits the palette!
To be honest, there will soon be some other colors in here and I'm not sure how they'll work. The pinkish orange of Agastache rupestris (on the other side of the trellis), the flaming neon pink of Salvia greggii 'Wild Thing' which probably needs more sun, and the trellis resident Clematis tibetana var. vernayi 'Orange Peel' -- lemon-yellow blooms fading to orange.
So maybe I'm not as color-savy as I should be...

Even subconsciously you are colour savvy :) at least now but who knows the succeeding combination may turn out to be good too!
It looks wonderful. The Echinops is so cool--sad for me they do not like So Cal.
If ever there is a good color combination in my garden, it is definitely an accident!
I have just planted some globe thistle, so hopefully they will grow as nicely as yours & I would love to get my hands on some of that monarda, but havent come across it in Western Australia yet.
Looking good! The other colors will look just fine! Ma Nature mixes all sorts of colors. Isn't summer grand?
All of my artemisia are doing very poorly this year. Well established plants in four different locations. Weird. But your bed looks beautiful!