Guess what I found?
>> Friday, July 17, 2015 –
A package arrived yesterday containing something great. Here's what it looks like after I took it out of the box:
Can you guess what it is?
Does it help if you see it from this angle?
What about now, after the bubblewrap was removed?
Something is happening... is that a pecking sound I hear?...
...another bird planter!
As you may know mine is crumbling after being left outdoors for several winters in a row. I found a replacement on eBay!
It doesn't have a drain hole...
...and is slightly darker than the one I have, but I'm so excited!
I think the planter is happy to arrive in St. Louis too -- is that a bit of a smile I see on that beak?
(I'll be bringing bird planter #2 indoors for winters...)

I immediately thought of a container of some sort when I saw the bubble-wrapped package :-)
Big smile here, and on that beak :)
Oh, the things we gardeners get excited about! Nice bird planter there Alan! It would look lovely planted with succulents!
I am so glad the bird planter made a safe trip from Palmetto, Florida to St. Louis to his new home... I know that you will take good care of it... regards, Rebeca