New planter box!
You know how I've been making a lot of things out of wood (and some other materials) lately? Well, my goal is to make something new every weekend. Since I haven't posted a project for a couple of weeks, that means that I've got a couple of projects to post about this week.
I'm starting with the newest, the one that I created this past weekend. I was hoping for a dry, sunny evening in which to take photos, but I had to settle for a wet, overcast one.
So what's the project? It's a planter box!
While getting my hair cut last Friday I found out that my stylist is creating a new planting bed in his front yard, and wanted a couple of cedar planters to fill out the design.
I told him I'd come up with some design ideas and see what he thought.
This is the first one.
The box is roughly 24"x12"x18" (60x30x45cm) which I thought would be small, but turns out to be quite a nice size.
I used the same metal panels as in my earlier screen design.
I've left it unstained (but wet -- thanks rain!) because he thought he'd want a natural finish. I'm thinking a two-toned stain job would be nice, with the corners and edging around the metal being a darker color. Natural is nice too though.
Let's turn this box into a planter, at least temporarily:
One of the benefits of wet ground: new plants don't make it into their new homes right away, so I've got Pulmonaria 'High Contrast' and Ajuga 'Caitlin's Giant' available for some instant foliage zing:
Also a green-leaved canna and a purple Tradescantia pallida. I didn't spend too much time arranging the plants as the humidity was about as high as it can get and I wanted to get back into the air-conditioned comfort.
I'd love to hear what you think about this design. Would you put it into your own garden?
I just realized that the front of the box looks like a cartoon robot, with the knots as eyes and metal grill as mouth...

Now that you mentioned it, it does look like a robot :)
You're so good at this Alan! Hope your stylist will like it and either two tone or natural would look good.
A project each weekend? Cool!!
Love this can you give more specific directions.
Awesome-looking planter. Your stylist should count himself lucky!
Does the interior compartment end above the screened section? I can't quite figure it out.
Gerhard: It's open to the ground. The box is full cedar all the way down, and the metal panels are decorative on top of that. I was going to include a shot of the interior but it didn't seem worthwhile -- guess it would have been. :)
It's beautiful! Wood planters aren't really my thing but if they were...
Ugh, hit publish too soon. Anyway I was just going to comment on the metal panel, it's a nice touch.
Well done! Love the design. Your stylist should be delighted!