A mistake?
I've been wondering if I've made a mistake this year with one of my bamboos. This Pleioblastus shibuyanus 'Tsuboi' was looking like a nice little clump last year...
...but this year's culms are much taller, ruining the clumping habit. I debated removing all of the new culms this spring, but then decided to leave things and see how it went.
I'm not sure that I did the right thing, but now that the tops of the culms have leafed out...
...it looks a bit like tufts of feathers floating over the main planting.
Here's a better look at last year's foliage, forming a nice "clump":
This is about as tall as I want this planting to get, so next year I'll have to do some pruning during shooting season -- if I wait too long the culm won't be able to form lower branches.
I think I like the effect, and I expect it will be a solid mass of (taller) leaves next year.
Have I made a mistake by leaving these? Do you like the look?

beautiful !!!