Puget Sound Garden Fling: Brindley Garden
Dark days of late can lift for a moment with a touch of summer magic. Let
us return to a warm July day on Puget Sound full of sunshine and friends.
The Br...
Hayefield Happenings – December 2024
On the whole, I think 2024 is a year best forgotten—at least the second
half of it. The first part of the growing season was so promising, but then
the rai...
Wednesday Vignette – horsemen and horseshoes
Hey All, It’s been a while. I’ve been working a lot, but mostly I haven’t
felt I’ve had much of interest to say. Maybe I still don’t. Instead I have
Spring is a wonderful time for all gardeners but particularly so for desert
gardeners. It is the season of spectacular bloom brought on by winter
rains. I ...
Immatures and Migrants! 9-1-23
A cool front and the Super Blue Moon on 8-30-23 helped to fuel migration!
So, what's up?
Let's begin with this little Barred Owlet, on its own one morni...
What Next?
At the top of a back staircase in our house this variegated sansevieria has
lived for the last five years, requiring little care and growing happily.
A yea...
Moving Mountains
There are at least two meanings to this blog title, which will become clear
as this post progresses. For the astute few that still check in on our blog
Man, I can't agree more!
Hahahaha this was great!
check out this spider:
one of the craziest spiders I've ever seen!
Thank you for the laughs!
I also like spiders as they eat bad bugs. The ones that look dangerous that I don't like.