Boldly Green
>> Tuesday, December 22, 2015 –
Sunny winter days are when I really appreciate the bamboo in the garden the most.
Especially on a day that alternates between grey and stormy then sunny, the green is so uplifting!
So nice to see when looking out the windows...
I can't imagine not growing bamboo -- what would my garden be without it right now? Browns and grays and cold, for months.
Thanks bamboo!
I wonder what my yard looks like from the next street over (down the hill)? I'll have to check it out sometime this winter...

I forgot to mention that all summer long the hummingbirds perch on the bamboo, frequently seen from the living room window. All winter long I think I see a hummingbird flash by, but it's just juncos and similar. Well, it turns out that there is at least one ruby-throated hummingbird still in the area! click here to see photos
I agree with you! I love looking out at bamboo, and I'm very happy that all the ones in the ground in my garden have survived the long California drought.