Wednesday Vignette: Fire?
>> Wednesday, December 9, 2015 –
Anna at Flutter and Hum hosts the Wednesday Vignette meme, and today's vignette is a scent. For whatever reason the last few nights we've been out later than normal, and entering the house each night gives me quite a shock.
It started on Friday evening, when opening the front door I was met with what seemed like the smell of burning plastic -- my first thought being that there was an electrical fire in the attic or in a wall somewhere.
After doing a quick search of the house, I realized that the smell was only noticeable upstairs, and that it had a sweet component to it, maybe not fire after all?
A few minutes later I realized that the Sansevieria (a botanical name that I think I'll never be able to spell without help) was blooming, and night is when it releases its potent scent. It's shockingly strong and easily perfumes the entire living room and kitchen -- luckily it's far from the bedrooms or I don't think I'd be able to sleep.
The reason it smelled like fire that first night was because my wife had been baking -- the bloom fragrance had mixed with chocolate cookie smell and to me said "burning plastic". I suppose it's the same way that very cold or very hot water feels like it could be either cold or hot for an instant -- those very strong impulses confuse our senses.
I suspect I have a few more days -- I mean nights -- of this to put up with, as there are several unopened blooms left.
Who needs air fresheners when you have natural ones like this? (As long as you like gaggingly strong perfumes)
More vignettes of all kinds at Flutter and Hum. Thanks Anna!

It is a surprisingly strong scent for such a small flower!
I agree, I was surprised, too, last year when my Sansevieria cylindrica bloomed.
I do love strong flower fragrances but burned plastic doesn't sound very appealing. Sweet bloom.
Funny how my Sansevieria bloomed at the end of summer after having spent the entire summer outside. I didn't bring it inside until after it finished blooming, and never even realized it had a scent!!! :( Next time...
Glad you found the source.
The flowers are very pretty.
I saw them an a craft fair. I've never seen them on my plants because I believe they are in shade so much. Sanservia is the way I pronounce and spell it. lol