The second capture: nothing to do with me
Yesterday I talked about catching mice. Little did I know that my post would have such far-reaching consequences, inspiring those around me to act.
I happened to glance out the window and noticed this pretty neighborhood cat that first appeared in my garden this summer. Definitely interested in something...
Surely it's the bird feeder just a couple of meters away, right?
But then I noticed its focus was actually on the ground:
And in a flash he was up on his feet, heading toward the back yard...
...where I managed to get a glimpse of his captured prey:
I'm not sure if that's a shrew or a mole, but probably a shrew based upon size and the fact that it was under leaves. (I think the moles dig a little bit deeper when the soil freezes.)
Nice going kitty!
I did not manage to catch a second mouse last night, although some of the bait was gone. I have one more chance tonight as tomorrow will be warmish again...

Such a handsome and adept hunter! May you be equally successful in your trapping effort tonight!
Great photos, you were at the right place at the right time.
I remember my cat years ago fluffed with pride to have brought dinner home and a dead mouse at is feet. Its not easy to hold back the horror when you hear, "Oh look! Kitty brought home Mickey Mouse."
As long as it wasn't a bird. Cats rarely eat their prey but still have the instinct to hunt.
Peter: Definitely need help keeping the rodent population in check. Hope he eats chipmunks too (once they awaken)
Maywyn: I think I'd rather have a cat drop one for me than just find a dead one in the garage, wondering how exactly it died (and how long ago)
Jenny: Our cat Kumo ate everything she caught, although I've only seen her eat a mouse, a chipmunk, and a baby rabbit. xP
Go cat! I keep hoping the neighborhood cats will catch the gopher, but instead, the gopher just taunts them...