
Thursday, March 31, 2016

Spring means...

Spring means different things to different people. This is especially true of gardeners who tend to be looking more closely so see things that the general population might miss. Every year is different too, at least in some ways.

To me this year spring means a peony stalk forest, a miniature woodland in the wrong colors jumping out of the ground.


It also means rabbit nests:

And transplants that were done too late...

...but amazingly seem to have had no ill effect. (I just moved this two days ago!)

The bleeding heart blooms always fascinate me, almost unbelievable.

Spring means delicate emergence, so frighteningly fragile when the Elements could on a whim strike out forcefully:

It means bamboo shoots...

...and pruning choices delayed:

This 'Lady in Red' hydrangea needs a hard pruning every few years because it's just so imposing. Why did it get so big here? I'll probably chop it to the ground (or nearly so) this year. Can't wait any longer...

Spring also means discovery of not-so-happy surprises... mint that spread into some crazy places inexplicably. Which reminds me that...

...Spring always means lots of happy work to gardeners!

(I mean "gardening", not "work" of course)



  1. It's a busy and beautiful time for mother nature and gardeners alike. It's easy to be giddy with excitement seeing all of the emerging growth in our gardens. A rabbit nest to boot? Beatrix Potter would be very pleased!

  2. It's killing me to be away from my garden this first sunny warm week of spring there. At least I'm getting work done in my parents garden, I suppose that's (almost) as good and in some ways even better...

  3. Peter: I just saw the ducks mating in the pond, so I guess if ducklings show up that might be overload?

    Loree: Any garden is good in spring, and you'll soon be back in danger. :)

  4. I love nothing more than seeing new shoots/plants coming out of the ground.

  5. Spring is such a wonderful time for all gardeners. Always wonderful to see those emerging shoots. And the bleeding heart is gorgeous.

  6. Those peony stalks are crazy! What great colors. I love spring.
