Don't forget...
>> Friday, April 29, 2016 –
bamboo shoots,
I've told you so many times, you have to rhizome prune every year!
When you don't, you get "problems".
Like this Phyllostachys bissetii shoot coming up through my driveway crack:
I've had many things growing in these cracks including large sunflowers, but this is the first time the bamboo has
There are some pretty impressive shoots coming up in the right places too... my favorite: Phyllostachys aureosulcata 'Aureocaulis'. It's going to put on a bit more height this year, I know it!
It's not all just bamboo shoots around here. It's alliums too!
This is one of my new ones (planted last autumn), Allium 'Red Mohican':
Not quite opened yet, but I couldn't wait to show you. Besides, with rain coming this weekend who knows if it will get beaten down by hail?
It's clematis too, with 'Niobe' blooming first:
But it's not all pretty blooms -- there are some more sinister ones around too:
The voodoo lily (Amorphophallus konjac) blooms have colored up and the largest are just about open.
It will start stinking the place up tomorrow I'd guess. Blech.
Have a good, non-stinky weekend!
I'm hoping to get a handle on my new unpredictable work schedule pretty soon and get a few posts queued up so new ones are not so sporadic. Sorry if you've been missing them!

I love the bamboo, but I love the Amorphophallus konjac even more :-).
I hope your work situation will straighten itself out. I know what it's like to be so overwhelmed...
Someone didn't heed your warning for years and now is very sorry because the Phyllostachys vivax is attempting to take over the world or at least my garden. Lots of work for me this summer! Love the color of your Phyllostachys aureosulcata 'Aureocaulis'
Those sinister blooms are pretty! I guess it's good that I can't smell them via the internet...