Late bamboo shoots
>> Thursday, June 23, 2016 –
bamboo shoots
My latest-shooting bamboo is Shibatea kumasaca (also its close relative, the almost identical Shibatea chinensis).
Gets going mid-June, a full 8-10 weeks after the first species start shooting. Like most of my other bamboos it's really putting on a growth spurt this year after a mild winter.
It's one of my favorite bamboos due to its broad leaves -- it has a very unique look.
Love the forest of new culms too!
Remember the long rhizomes that I dug and potted up earlier? Those pots are producing loads of shoots too. Nice!

You could start a side business selling potted bamboo!
I like this bamboo a lot, and one of the more unique looking hardy bamboos too!
Peter: make some room for a new bamboo! ;)
Mark/Gaz: it really is nice. Do you grow it?