Potting up some agaves
>> Wednesday, June 22, 2016 –
I've had several Agaves in plastic nursery pots for over a year. Some of them were inherited, and some I bought.
I finally put them into permanent pots, or at least pots that will hold them for a few years.
Agave weberi 'Arizona Star' was the first:
I've been wondering what I was going to put into this white pot, and I think I've found the perfect plant for it!
What was labeled as Agave parrasana 'Globe':
Agave americana that I got from Loree in a trade will get big so I gave it a bigger pot than it looks like it needs:
I'm curious to see how large this will get this summer. Not that I need more big potted agaves to try and overwinter indoors...
It's already done a fair amount of growing. See its original form here.
I potted up some of the various pups too:
The ones that I moved to the south side of the house where it's blazing hot get some shade from other plants, at least for a little while:
I thought I was finished with this task but found a couple of more agaves yesterday that are still in plastic pots. I also thought that I was out of terra cotta pots but found a few more, so it looks like I'll be doing more of this again soon. Fun but a bit dangerous!

You're really getting with the Agave thing, I am so proud of you!!! Oh and that Agave parrasana 'Globe' looks fabulous in the container with the pie-crust edge.
Loree: I never thought of that as a pie crust edge, but it sure is! It's one of my heaviest pots and I haven't used it for anything permanent before, so I'm glad to have something good to put into it. :)
Yeah for agaves in Missouri! They're looking good. If you need more, I can send you some :-).
Midwest Agaves--fabulous! They look healthy, too.
I don't think I have room to overwinter more agaves indoors, unless they really don't need very much light during the winter. I've seen photos of them stored under tables -- that I could do. Anybody confirm?
Hooray for repotting agaves! I stored three agaves under a table this winter but there was a bit of side light from a window that hit them so not total darkness and they did great with no water all winter. You could mount grow lights under your table.