Alliums, clematis and more
>> Tuesday, July 5, 2016 –
I took a close look around the garden a few days ago, and then, thankfully, it rained for two days straight. In fact these photos were taken after the first shower, so things were fresher than they have been.
This is the only way that sunflowers can survive in my garden now: stay small enough not to be noticed by the deer.
It also happens to be growing with the Artemesia ludoviciana as a backdrop, which is wonderful!
The Monarda fistulosa are in bloom...
...and lucky that I got this photo as the rain has splayed them all out. The blooms are fine, but the plant overall is not so attractive. I'll take the rain though!
One of the allium species I planted last fall was Allium sphaerocephalon, which bloom later than the others:
I apparently sprinkled these around the yard, a few in each planting bed. I had forgotten about them until the blooms started opening. They're small but so nice!
I'm hoping they'll multiply, as I suspect they will look so much more impressive when not solitary.
Bamboo litter all over the place, which I love!
Feverfew bloomed out... time to do some serious deadheading! Each tiny bloom contains a thousand dust-like seeds, and they grow anywhere.
Two views of the same allium bloom:
It's all about angle and lighting (and camera settings). Both so pretty!
The new rose growth is so strongly red... was easy to see the mantis youngster!
Clematis blooms after the first stage, past flowery into fun:
And some are even past fun and into fuzzy:
Hey, more allium koosh ball goodness!
Bamboo everywhere... lovely!
Not so lovely is the plumeria...
...which doesn't seem to want to grow healthy leaves. Why are they turning black? Is it black tip fungus?
Ending today with a strange, alien plant...
...unless you realize that these are begonia stems minus their leaves. I think the drought was driving the deer to try plants that they normally don't bother. Ah well, it will grow back, right?

Wow you have quite a few deers, must be nice in the country. I cannot believe those are begonia stems, it almost looks cacti like.