Friday Miscellany
>> Friday, July 15, 2016 –
Randomness again today.
Who wants to see weird, creepy, tentacles? I never planted my big voodoo lilies (Amorphophallus konjac), as they seemed to flower just fine sitting bare in a pot. Now though, it seems like they want to grow some foliage!
I wouldn't have seen this if I had been on the ball and planted these at a reasonable time. Strange and beautiful, no?
The native Passiflora is just starting to open:
Bees make it better!
These blooms are just perfect for the larger bees:
Love how the anthers are bent down so they contact the bee's fuzzy back. Just perfect!
My small pots of 'Gollum' jade plant are really starting to fill in:
I love the texture!
I haven't taken butterfly photos for a few years...
...but these of a female Eastern Tiger Swallowtail turned out surprisingly good using just my phone camera.
So nice!
Ending with a plant that I look at every day:
My Pachypodium lamerei. I am keeping a close watch on the flower buds as they form. Soon I think they will start opening, but since this is the first time I'm just guessing. Exciting!
Have a great weekend!

Wow , you have some wild texture going on !
The Amorphophallus konjac photos confuse me! Is that big caudex looking thing the "bulb"? But then the tentacles are roots growing on top of it?
Close up, most look like they are creatures from a different world, cool!
It is a strange and wonderful world....plants amaze me every day. Thanks for sharing!
Patsi: thanks!
Loree: yes, the roots come out of the top of the "bulb". It's a strange beast that needs to be buried deeper than you'd expect.
Mark/Gaz: would be at home under the sea, right?
Tamara: Completely agree, but the insect half of the garden is pretty amazing too!
The konjac is way strange, but the phone-tographs of the butterflies are great.
Congratulations on Pachypodium flowers!
OK, those Amorphophallus konjac tentacles are seriously creepy. I can't get them out of my head!
Love a random post! Amorphophallus konjac close-ups are interesting and a bit disturbing. I thought of you when I noticed a couple weeks ago that my own Amorphophallus konjac started throwing out new foliage. I thought it had died and was about to clean out the pot when I noticed that it had also made some bulblets that were putting out foliage too. Fun plant!
Gerhard: I never would have seen them if I was more on the ball this year.
Peter: I often overlook those bulblets, reuse the potting soil, and have new A. konjacs popping up in random pots with other plants. :)
passion fruit flower is cool... i didn't manage to grow passion fruit seedling from seed...
A very photogenic oddball! Can't believe you took those butterfly shots with a phone - they are great!