Now that's a native!
I posted recently about the Missouri native Hibiscus lasiocarpos that is growing and blooming in my front yard. A few people commented that it is an impressive native. Well, how about seeing a real specimen?
Or perhaps a few? A shopping center near the bakery has some rain gardens that contain this plant, and they are all blooming now.
This is clearly a different variety (different species?) as the blooms are pink, but that's just because I stopped at the first plant. There are white ones too, and some that are pale pink.
The main thing is that these, in full sun, are doing much better than the one in my garden. So full, not flopping over -- just great!
There are a dozen islands or so, all of them containing this beauty. You can see them trailing off into the distance:
I think I prefer the white one that I have to the pink.
Still, pretty impressive, no?

Pretty impressive, looking like it is a native of Hawaii rather than Missouri :)
Yes, they are impressive and eye catching as well.
What Mark and Gaz said! I thought of Hawaii too!
Both the white and pink are pretty. Hardy hibiscus always surprise me as, like the others, they remind me of the tropics. You're right, that's some native!