A little weeding
Not much time for gardening lately, and I have a pretty high tolerance for weeds, but there comes a point when even I say "enough" and have to spend a few minutes pulling.
So here are a few quick before/after photos showing the stream area, which is now so densely planted the weeds are difficult to pick out -- until they're not if you know what I mean. Actually, the stream itself is difficult to pick out...
So here's before:
There's a stairway there somewhere, but mint and stringy stonecrop have overgrown it.
Ahhhh. No need to be an acrobat to walk down these steps now! I got rid of the perilla too -- the purple foliage is great but I have zillions of these everywhere else. I left the Artemesia 'silver mound' that's cascading onto the stairs as it's so great!
The Colocasia in the big pot was a great idea this year, as it really draws your eye from the "noise" of the rest of these plants along the stream:
Now after weeding:
I have to admit that it's difficult to tell the difference here, and that I've missed a few weeds. Still, I like the way this area looks this year and that's all that matters, right? A large Rudbeckia triloba right in the middle of that shot is just coming into bloom -- it will be amazing in a couple of days!
Now I just need to get in there on the other side of the stairs...
...and pull a couple of bushels of peppermint! It makes a nice filler over here with the larger tropicals, but it's getting a bit out of hand I think.
When I have time. Although I'd guess that I won't do anything with this until autumn...

Satisfying isn't it? :)
Nice weeding. I think sometimes weeding is relaxing.
Good job! Some people find mint too invasive but if you've got to battle some weed or other, isn't it nice to have one whose fragrance makes pulling it an enjoyable experience?
Not mint! It's the bane of my garden. Somebody planted it before we moved in and I've been battling it for the last 20 years.
Whoever inherits my garden is going to have more to contend with than mint, but I get your point. Since the bees love it I'm not too upset, and maybe I'll find a local herbal tea company that I can supply. :)
Mint stays in pots in my garden, and even then it does its best to creep out.
Looks good...always nice to get a good weeding in!
Weeding is therapy with instant positive results - at least to me, it is. I like how you said the Colocasia draws your eye from the "noise" of the other foliage. A very poetic tribute to the merits of large leaves!