>> Monday, August 22, 2016 –
I don't like to use words like "magnificent" in reference to my own garden, but sometimes other descriptions just don't fit. Yesterday I had one of those moments where I thought "wow, this is really pretty!".
Perhaps it was the delightfully cool and sunny weather, or the fact that we had just gotten back from a great little hike around a local conservation area and I was in a particularly good mood, but seeing the backlit papyrus and everything else in the front garden, well...
...I just couldn't help but say it was magnificent! (and still is)
Here's a shot with the foreground plants of the walkway...
...but that papyrus in the background still draws my eye (eventually).
From a slightly different angle, as passers by might see from the sidewalk:
I wonder if they enjoy this as much as I do, or are they thinking that it's an overgrown mess?
The sunlight was a bit too bright for a great photo, but when you get up close you can start seeing the Rudbeckia triloba, that sea of yellow around the corner!
Cooler temperatures all week means that I can get outdoors and get some things done in the garden, so I'll be seeing these views much more than I have been, and I'm so happy about that!

I second your magnificent! I'm determined to get a sea of R. triloba going for next year, probably in stock tanks that stay well watered. Your pachypodium is really enjoying summer!
Pachypodium looks awesome. Also like the splash of Canna red.
Magnificent, I third that.
Wowsers, that IS magnificent. Gorgeous!!
Yes indeed, you're right to stop and appreciate that magnificent view! And oh that fabulous Pachypodium!!!
Thanks all! I also love the pachypodium and think it could use a slightly bigger pot -- although that would make it grow more and that could be a problem...
Magnificent seems to fit pretty good; nice to be able to take the time every now and then to just appreciate the progress.