End of summer lushness
>> Monday, September 26, 2016 –
castor bean,
Perhaps it's because I haven't spent much time out in the garden this summer, or maybe it's just been perfect weather for tropicals in St. Louis, but I'm particularly pleased and impressed with things in the back yard this year.
Especially the tropicals and tropical-looking annuals (like castor bean). I know I've show them to you recently but I swear they've put on another foot (30cm) of height since then. I just have to show them again!
Starting with the deck. When I see photos of a patio or deck out in the open, exposed to the yard (and neighbors) I think "why?"
There's no reason you can't have the privacy and coziness that big, luscious plants can provide. Who wouldn't want to sit out here right now?
I really need to measure the height of those castor beans. They must be 15' (4.5m) tall...
The volunteers are even bigger and fuller now too:
I would have never planted a castor bean here, but it looks so great!
A view I don't show too often, under the deck:
That's one of my no-soil Amorphophallus konjac plants in the middle of the path. I've potted a couple up (in soil) but a few remain to do.
Some wider shots from the window of the living room:
And from the bedroom window:
Pulling back a bit to see some of the mess of the driveway too:
I'm so pleased with this mess!
With cool temperatures finally here (a week of 70's F follows a week of 90's) I'll be enjoying the garden a bit more and/or tackling a couple of the remaining projects.
It won't be long before this lushness is just a memory, and all that remains are the structures and the bamboo...

I think it looks fabulous. I hope my garden will eventually look as lush.
Oh wow, those castor beans are pretty amazing. Did you sell your cow for magic beans, Jack? Perhaps you're the giant who lives at the top of the beanstalk. Be on the lookout for a goose that lays golden eggs! Seriously, your lush garden is way cool and the intimacy of the plant-enclosed deck is great!
Beautiful castor beans--is that 'Impala'? I grew some for the first time in quite a while this year, and was a bit disappointed in them. I may try again next year because it's an effective screen to hide the messy yard next door!
I ask myself the same thing when I see someone whacking back all their great foliage, why would you want open and barren when you had enclosed and private? You are definitely the Castor Bean King.
You could be sitting on your balcony looking out over all the lushness and think you're in Kauai. The sheer mass of plant material is impressive, and the views are so inviting. Love it.
Anon: Thanks! It will get there, might take a few years.
Peter: I think it was the magic rain/heat combo that did it this year. Or maybe I'm just that good. :)
DC: I believe it was sold as 'New Zealand Purple'. I like it much better than 'Carmencita'. I think I have some 'Impala' seeds but didn't grow them -- isn't that a smaller variety?
Loree: Those are the same people who love a crowded beach I think. Does the title come with any responsibilities? I'm not good in parades... ;)
Gerhard: I suppose I could turn on the ocean sounds CD... but Kauai has *sea* turtles. I'd notice it's just STL. :)
Love love your Caster Bean plants. Where did you get the seeds. I love the lushness of your garden. I had caster beans plants when I leave bed on the farm. They came clad up to the second story. Loved them. I need to bring them into my city garden. Thanks for sharing! New Zealand Purple! Got it!