>> Tuesday, January 24, 2017 –
winter damage
It's been a fairly mild winter in St. Louis, except when it hasn't. Temperatures above normal most of the time, except for a couple of times when the arctic air arrived and dropped us to single digits. I believe the low was 4ºF (-16ºC) on two separate occasions (the second while I was out of town).
The result is the smaller bamboos -- which some years I have trouble deciding how to prune exactly -- are pretty much fried. Here's a little survey of some of them, starting with the Sasaella bitchuensis in the hellstrip.
That's it again in the middle, with Indocalamus longuiaritus behind it, looking almost as ratty. The Pleiblastus shibuyanus 'Tsuboi' in the foreground too, so brown:
The Sasaella masamuneana 'Albostriata' by the mailbox still holds some green, but not as much as other years:
And the Pleioblastus viridistriatus has made it easy to decide how to prune it:
Mowed to the ground it will be!
One disappointment is the Psuedosasa viridula:
It put on some good size last year, and I was hoping it would take another jump this spring. Doesn't seem like it will now though.
The Sasa veitchii next to the driveway is completely burned now:
Even though this spot seems to be a bit protected by my neighbor's house. Another Indocalamus longuiaritus (like in the hellstrip) across the driveway from the veitchii seems to be barely affected...
...and the Sasa oshidensis further back (with the big, shiny, curved leaves) looks almost pristine!
Pruning all of these bamboos to the ground is not a problem -- I expect to have to do it every year, and it's almost nice when the winter cooperates and makes it an easy choice for me. :)

Surely a mower isn't the answer to all of those. How do you do it? And how do you get rid of all the debris once it's done?
And you get nice fresh growth all at once come spring!
At least at the moment they look more variegated than fried :)
Think of the lush growth come summer!
Like Danger, I'd love to know what your preferred tool/method is.
Loree: I've used a mower on some of them before, but you're right -- the ones with thicker culms are too much for the mower I think. I use hedge shears then rake the debris out. I don't need to cut them to the ground either -- they'll leaf back out from existing culms.