What's wrong with this Agave?
>> Thursday, May 25, 2017 –
I noticed that this Agave 'Impressa' (or at least that was how it was labeled) is looking a bit unhappy:
Lots of yellow in those leaves, especially the lower ones.
I'm thinking this could be too much sunlight? Not enough pot space? Too much water (lots of rain lately)?
The pups don't show the yellowing problem...
...because they're shaded?
I was really worried for a few minutes...
...until I realized that this one is my good 'Impressa' and appears to be fine. The other one isn't as, well, impressive.
So I'm not panicking but would still like to know how to restore the color to this sickly one. Any ideas?

My thoughts:
When plants have too little nutrients they start to "digest" older leaves, i.e. take everything usable from those leaves and let them die.
Too much water sometimes harms the root system and also leads to a lack of nutrients.
Agaves love full sun so that cannot be the problem.
Greetings from Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany
kind regards
PS: Love your blog
It's a mystery to me but Gerhard or Danger will probably know. In the PNW, too much water is usually the problem.
Hmmm...magnesium deficiency perhaps? Not sure, will wait for the agave experts to chip in :)
My vote is too much water. Now, my A. impressa problem is easier to diagnose -- planted near the mailbox, it continually gets hit with packages, and the leaves show it!
Hmmm...thinking...you might pop it out of the ground and look at the roots. Sniff, see if you smell rot.
If the other impressa is doing well, what's the diff in location, soil, sun exposure between that one and this one?
Thanks for the suggestions all. I should have made it clear that this is a potted plant (as all my Agaves are) and so it may just be that it needs more space and a bit of something to eat. :)
Love everyone else's suggestions. My first thought was sunburn, as thought it was moved out into full sun too quickly, but that doesn't account for the lower leaves looking especially bad.
I think it is indeed too much water. But them we gardeners need to learn thru our errors. Its other parts are okay anyway so perhaps the other parts had so much drink :)
I also thought too much sun. At this time of year, agaves should be able to handle quite a bit of water because they're actively growing.