Sexy Succulents (Tasty Too?)
>> Monday, November 6, 2017 –
With a night or two of freezes recently (before returning to 80ºF/26ºC temps) I had to move several potted succulents into the garage.
This gave me a good chance to look at most of them. They're quite beautiful after a season outside!
It's difficult to really appreciate these during the muggy heat of summer, but now I can stand and stare in comfort for as long as I want! (Except when freezing temps are approaching with the darkness)
The yucca that I cut to the ground has come back looking fresh and wonderful:
Here it is with the big potted Agave:
So much blue! (That agave did so well in partial shade this year. It did not like full sun!)
Miscellaneous pots on the south side of the house:
It turns out that they not only look great...
...they may be tasty too!
(None of these look nearly as good indoors)

You’ve got quite the collection!
Frosty lows followed by highs in the 80's. Talk about whiplash!
Many agaves actually prefer partial shade, especially those naturally growing among trees. Yours look great!
So pretty after their summer vacation. Oh well, back inside for the winter.