Backtrack: bananas
>> Thursday, January 11, 2018 –
I realized recently that in my flurry of pre-freeze activity last month I never posted about my banana overwintering preparations. I let my Musa basjoo do whatever it will until a really hard freeze is forecast -- usually that means a low temperature below 25ºF (-4ºC) or so.
This year that condition was not forecast until December 6, so that's when I had to get moving on this. (Note that there had been a few nights of below freezing temperatures so the foliage was already fried, but the thick pseudostems can handle those temps without damage.)
A closer look at the foliage, one last time:
The tool of choice for this task is a machete:
With a good swing it slices right through in one go, even when they are several inches in diameter:
So satisfying! (The fun part of the process)
I always like seeing the structure of the pseudostem:
Almost all cut now -- there were so many this year! (over 2 dozen):
I left this one to last...
...because it contained the flower...
...which snapped off when the pseudostem fell. I tried to slow its fall but those things are pretty heavy!
Tiny bananas:
Plus great macro details:
This is why banana "juice" (sap?) stains clothes so readily I think.
It's all cut down now, with just some cleanup remaining:
I usually don't have so many dried leaves, but there was so much time between the first freeze and the first hard freeze that those big, beautiful things had a chance to dry out. That's to my advantage since I can use them as mulch now!
The "trunks" got chopped into manageable sizes to make transport easier (and it's so much fun!):
Here's the pre-mulched shot:
And here's after mulching:
I didn't want to mess with the fencing and deep leaf pile this year, so I went minimal. I covered the outermost stumps with nursery pots. If those survived our long, hard cold spell I will be surprised (but will have learned that minimal protection is fine).
In case you're feeling down that the magnificent banana greenery is gone now, here's a wider view showing that as far as winter greenery goes, I'm doing pretty well:
So that's it for the banana overwintering procedure, 2017 version. I wonder how the plant will respond in 2018?
Need a reminder of what this plant looked like before the first freeze? Click here.

I miss the banana foliage but you've still got quite a bit of green in that last shot. Always sad to see these go for the season but now the excitement can build for next year.
It was so cool to see actual bananas, no matter how tiny!
This seemed a more minimal approach to protecting the banana then in previous years. Fingers crossed.