Mid-Spring Blooms
I am not the biggest fan of the early spring blooms: daffodils and the like. But those later spring flowers... I love them! I guess these are mid-spring blooms?
Here's a little sampling of a few of the nicest in my garden right now.
Of course these are bluebells. I have just a single planting -- nothing like the display at Shaw Nature Reserve -- but it seems to be expanding.
The color change of the buds from pink to purple to blue is so nice, very satisfying!
Nearby the yellows and whites of epimedium something or other:
I got this as a division from my neighbor across the street (who got his from a friend's garden a few years back), and it's doing so well!
The epimedium I purchased has died it seems. Free plants FTW!
Speaking of free plants:
Dandelions are so welcome -- within reason of course!
Last up is this little Tulip dasystemon Tarda that I rescued from a planter where they never really performed and stuck in a raised bed -- then completely forgot about:
So cute (about the size of a quarter), even though it's a little past its prime in this photo.
Of course I ignored some springtime yard chores to take these photos!

Oh wait, we're supposed to do springtime yard chores when there's all this beauty to enjoy? Must have missed that memo.
Good photos! You made even the dandelion look pretty.