Lazy Summer
>> Friday, July 20, 2018 –
It's summer in St. Louis, which means hot, humid (usually), and overall just lazy.
It's not just me -- it's the ungulates too!
I shot these first two photos through the kitchen window and a wayward bamboo culm that was in the way. Hence the overly green tint of the first image -- too many leaves in the way!
(I got a slightly better position for the second image -- less leaves but more culm.)
The twins come through every day. Sometimes I see them with mom, sometimes on their own although mom is probably nearby.
Once I saw this guy come into the yard at the same time, which caused quite a ruckus until mom chased him away:
So velvety! (Am I the only one who thinks it's weird that deer regrow their antlers every year?)
I just had to go outside to snap a clear photo, but I stepped on a branch at just the wrong time. Peeking past the edge of the neighbor's house I saw...
...just like in the movies that loud snap had let everybody know I was coming.
Summer drowsing over -- but it made for a better photo composition at least.
Sorry I ruined your nap!

Aw, deer are so cute but I'm glad they don't frequent my part of town. They'd make short work of the garden buffet.
So beautiful! You'd think after growing in your back yard, they'd be less skittish; it would be fun if you could approach and pet them. But it's not in their DNA. Instead the jump and run at the slightest noise. Still, they are amazing to photograph.
So glad we dont have deer at our house. My patents battle.them daily and are losing. They are pretty, but can be so destructive.