New Plants!
>> Thursday, July 5, 2018 –
castor bean,
It's been a couple of years since I've been able to do a "new plant" post since last year I made a point not to buy any plants. It probably goes without saying that a summer of no plant shopping is quite a bit less fun than a summer with!
I showed you the annuals I bought earlier, where I just needed to fill out several different beds and didn't have specific ideas of where things were going. This trip was different, in that I had some ideas about what plants and where.
Of course I came home with completely different plants than I was thinking of, but at least I filled the spots that I intended on filling!
On the shadier side of the front walkway I chose a nice chocolatey coleus...
...and a rex begonia that I couldn't pass up:
Maybe deer don't eat either of these? (I should write an app: "DoDeerEat", because I end up typing that into my phone several times on every nursery trip!)
I know deer won't eat the "impulse buy" of this trip:
Yep, it's a castor bean. Now why exactly would I pay money for a castor bean plant when I will be pulling out castor been volunteers as weeds pretty soon in my garden?
Well, I don't have this cultivar, which I believe is 'Zanzibar' -- the one that stays mostly green but develops those HUGE leaves. Plus this spot doesn't get as much sun as it should, so a plant that has a good head start will give me the best results.
Those big leaves are just what this bed needed!
And next year I should have all of the castor bean seeds I'll want, as I'm now growing "New Zealand Purple', 'Carmencita', and 'Zanzibar'.

Always nice to get new plants, although saying we haven’t bought much this year.
Happy New Plants!
Rex begonia are a favorite with their leaf texture.
Hooray for a summer that includes plant buying! Nice new additions to your garden.