Stream rebuild part 2
The stream rebuild project is coming along slowly. Lots of days where it was either way too hot, raining, or I was just too busy meant that I didn't do much on it until this past weekend.
Sunday morning I took advantage of cooler temperatures -- albeit in 90%+ humidity -- and got some work done.
There were a a few design choices that I had not made decisions on, but getting out there in the dirt has a way of focusing me. Just do something and it will come together!
One decision was whether or not to use the bucket for the reservoir again. I decided "yes"...
...but with a modification: the liner will completely fill the bucket this time (in the old design the liner just hung over the edge of the bucket which left a potential leak site). The bucket is for structure mainly.
Because the bottom of it has lots of bumps, I filled it with sand to smooth it out:
That was another problem with the previous design: it was really hard to clean out the bottom of the reservoir because of those bumps!
I found a tiny fern seedling as I removed bricks to rebuild:
This spot got a lot of sun, so I'm not sure why this was growing here exactly. Of course I relocated it!
I made the main "water step" sturdier, as I don't want anything to sag over time.
The outer edge got a beefier brick treatment because this was probably the main source of leaks in the old design:
I'll pack clay around these to smooth it out, and remember that everything you see here will soon be covered by pond liner -- this is just the foundation.
After about 90 minutes or so I had had enough, even though there was much more I could have done.
With rain in the forecast for the next couple of days, I got out my old pond liner scraps to cover everything up:
Now that the bucket is in place I don't want it filling with water -- not yet!
If the weather cooperates this week I might have the liner and some of the rocks back in place for another update next week. We'll see...

Nice progress. The anticipation of the finished project is delicious!
Looking good. I love water gardens and can't wait to see this finished.
You said something in the previous post that resonated with me; "Just do something and it will come together!" I tend to stall before tearing into the big, heavy projects, especially when I don't have a plan. Surprisingly, it usually works itself out in the process. Still, I never learn, and I will no doubt drag on ridiculously long before tackling the next one. ~ Anna K