Something not quite right?
I haven't been out in the garden too much lately, but as I walked by this bamboo patch I realized something wasn't quite right.
Can you spot what caught my eye?
Occasional Posts from my suburban St. Louis garden:
Plants, Projects, Nature and Discoveries
I haven't been out in the garden too much lately, but as I walked by this bamboo patch I realized something wasn't quite right.
I always let some "weeds" grow in my yard and garden, and one of the best -- especially for late-season blooms -- is, well, I've forgotten what it is. I think it's Late Boneset (Eupatorium serotinum) but it could be White Snakeroot (Ageratina altissima).
The deck gets a few planters each year, but most of the beauty that is visible late in the season is courtesy of the plants that grow up around the deck.
The other morning was a wet one, and the Euphorbia tirucalli 'Sticks on Fire' really caught my eye.
Annual flowering vines are one of the key components of my garden, even though they really only get going late in the season. Cardinal Climber (Ipomoea sloteri) may be the slowest of the annual vines I grow, flowering not before mid-September for me...
This Green stinkbug nymph is trying to blend in with the red foliage of Hibiscus 'Mahogony Splendor'.
You know I like big plants, right? Castor bean, bamboo, Colocasia and Alocasia -- those big ones fit the size of my yard quite nicely. This year I've discovered a new big one, and it was a surprise for two reasons. First, it got much bigger than the tag indicated.
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