Catching Up: Less is More
For a couple of years now I've contemplated a fairly drastic change in the garden, but I could just never bring myself to make it happen. Until this past July that is, when one day I decided enough was enough and I got to work.
What am I talking about exactly? It's this Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Filicoides' which is taking up too much space and looking so ratty most of the year. If you're not sure which plant I'm talking about, you'll soon see.
I discussed my dilemma here back in 2018. Here's a look at it from another angle now:
And one more from up on the deck stairs:
After taking the photos I immediately grabbed the limb saw and got to work -- I didn't want to talk myself out of it one more time. I had the will to act, and act I would!
I cut that tree down!
Branch by branch, then the trunk itself. I left a couple of feet of stump so that I could leverage it out of the ground more easily if I decided to remove the rootball too.
Since that bamboo (Phyllostachys aureosulcata 'Aureocaulis') is such a cornerstone plant back here, it makes sense that I should show it off more, right?
And it's nice to be able to see the pergola a bit more too!
Let's switch to before and after pairs to make the improvement more dramatic:
Hey, I did a pretty good job of matching camera positions and angles!
The view from the deck is the best I think:
And one last wide shot after I had done most of the cleanup too:
After seeing the improvement, you may wonder -- as I did -- why it took me so long to remove this ugly thing. Have you ever tried cutting down a tree that you chose, planted yourself, nurtured, and enjoyed for a decade or more? It's surprisingly difficult to break that emotional bond -- even for a seasoned garden veteran like myself.
I'd like to say it will be easier next time I have to do this, but I don't think that's true.
Glad I finally worked up the nerve!
(These photos were taken late July 2019)

Definitely an improvement! What took you so long?! ;)
Yes, I know how hard it is to cut down a tree. We had a diseased Mayday that in some years would rally but the next decline. My husband finally took matters into his own hands and cut it down while I was away. Surprised by how good the spot looked aftewards.
Huge improvement! It looks so much better now. The old adage "Less is More" is true in this case. "You can't see the forest for the trees" is another good one. As gardeners we should remember it's better to display our plants rather then bury them.